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Saturday, September 08, 2007


HMHS 84 JC, GarageApples, Project 43 and more talk

One show got trashed and this was the second one :)

Today we have interesting music from 3 artists

The Beast of Yucca Flats from GarageApples
, hear Jeff at Soundclick

a garage band project - taking 16 b-grade horror movies and writing 60's styled garage punk tunes - with each song having the same title as the movie.

Second we have the old show favs, the best internet band in the world: Project 43 and Self Made Man. You can read about and list to Project 43 from Project-43.com

The song has Boss GT-6 modeled guitars with Charlie
doing the bass on his Schecter 5 string bass through his POD with a bass
pack. I use a Schecter 7 string guitar on most of the songs except 'Just
Let Me Go'. That is a Xaviere LP copy. I do most of the guitar fills,
harmonies etc., and Chris is doing the solo breaks.

Scott's drums are as always. He uses V-Drums from Roland.

Dee's process for recording his vocals is here:
read about how Dee records his vocals - this is a great read

Finally we have Jean-marie Carroll and his remake of his old Members tune (big hit in the UK). This is Sound of the Suburbs 2007. Hear from JC at jccarroll.com

Recorded on a Mac G4 Powerbook
Running Logic 6.3 and Reason 3
I played everything on the Track Except the Drums
Guitars Mandolin Accordian,Synth Bass,
Nick Cash Played the Drum,
Behringer B3 Microphone
M-Audio Firewire 410

Good to see HMHS back in fighting shape, and good to hear my name mentioned. I'm a star!

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