Friday, January 06, 2006
Home Made Hit Show Episode 7
Here we go again then time for episode 7: 28 minutes and 10 seconds of it.
Subscribe above or click here for the show. There is also a low-bandwidth version here
Please do me a big favor and post links to the show at your favorite sites and pass on the show to 5 of your friends. Here's the link for the signature pic if you want it
Please subscribe via email and please vote at the links above.
Please add me as a friend at My Space
Artists featured:
All Over The World - Mario De Francesca Mario at Soundclick
Why Today - Alex Lorito
Why Today - RC RC's Songs
Public Education - Josh Noone Josh's Website
Blue Illusion - Mark Weissburg Mark's Site
Get Over It - Hearts Minus Sorrow Song Site
You Clicked on Me - Shaun MaCallig & John ParaGreen Soundclick
A few links for you:
Muses Muse
2090 Forum
Bill Mecca - Voice Over Talent
Find my attempts at music at Tony's Soundclick Site
Tomas de Camino music Soundclick