Monday, April 28, 2008
HMHS TV 008 - Toneport/Gearbox Overview
This week we give a run through to the mythical Toneport and it's Gearbox software. Finally those of you who don't own one can put a picture to the sounds.
Check the Toneport details at
The video is split into two parts as it went over 10 minutes
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Part 1 Windows Media Version
Part 2 Windows Media Version
Part 1 iTunes / Apple Version
Part 2 iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Part 1
Part 2
Friday, April 25, 2008
HMHS 114 - Scandanavian Adventures
Another musical show, fill with wonderful home made music and analysis interrupted by two guy rambling on.
A link to the Cajon demo from Tomas De Camino Beck can be found at HERE and his mathematical song with explanation HERE
The Morrisons - You're a Fraud MySpace
Albert Forssell, Bill Mecca, Pete Young - Journey Underseas Soundclick
Bjorn Nilsen with Les Cotton - August Child Soundclick
Monday, April 21, 2008
HMHS TV 007 - Dave Criddle's bASS
This week, by request, Dave shows some bass playing techniques.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Friday, April 18, 2008
HMHS 113 - Beck (not the famous one but the Tomas De Camino one)

This week we have an interview show (done by Dave, his first appearance in an interview show) with Tomas De Camino Beck (aka Matbio on the forums). Tomas talks about his songs and his band Automata.
Find Automata at the following links
Automata World
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
HMHS TV 006 - Zoetrope Live
All 2090 forum members ( should enjoy this one, as should any who likes a good chuckle about home music making.
It's Zoetrope and his Roland EG-101.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Monday, April 14, 2008
HMHS TV 005 - Dave "Bowie" Criddle Live
Well this was meant to be a different video but I somehow am having problems with my uploading.
No problem though, here you can see the great Dave Criddle performing his David Bowie cover show from a couple of months back.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Friday, April 11, 2008
HMHS 112 - Glenn Wants To Know
More audio goodness and it's a long one. This week we address Glenn's "Beginner" questions. Play some songs and feature a guest segment from Inside Home Recording on time signatures
Check out the videos at Home Made Hit Show TV at Youtube
Definitely take a listen and subscribe to Inside Home Recording The best audio focused podcast out there. They feature lots of content on software, recording and audio techniques along with remix contests and much much more.
Shadows - Paul Janowski Soundclick
Apologies to Paul for pronouncing his name incorrectly
Sequal - Eric Merrow Soundclick
Her Love - Tony Copping
Monday, April 07, 2008
HMHS TV 004 - That Low - John Tully
If you want to stop my music playing click the Soundclick plugin to the left.
This week I am pleased to welcome John Tully aka The Cracks to the HMHS. John is the first person I was aware of making home made music videos and he continues to roll out high quality stuff (search out the one where he made himself fly for some real fun).
Find more John tunes HERE and HERE
Find more Cracked videos here at YouTube
There is a higher quality WMV version of the show HERE
Mac compatible M4V version HERE
YouTube HERE or below
All the Home Made Hit Show TV videos can be found on the Home Made Hit Show Channel
Friday, April 04, 2008
HMHS 111 - Win Something and Vegetables Talk
Welcome to a good solid audio show featuring great songs and songwriting talk. Plus hear the potatoes themselves talk.
Plenty of links for today.
A great read at the new songwriting blog Adventures In Songwriting
Read the interviews and other songwriting stuff at Songs and Sonics
Thanks for the longtime and ongoing support from The Indie Bible

Send an email with CONTEST in the title to win the EP and T-Shirt from The Simple Carnival
Slide Away - Les Cotton
Caitlin's On The Beach - The Simple Carnival
Genevive - The Tones SoundclickLabels: bible, carnival, hit, home, homemade, indie, made, show, simple, songwriter, songwriting, tones
Check the Toneport details at
The video is split into two parts as it went over 10 minutes
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Part 1 Windows Media Version
Part 2 Windows Media Version
Part 1 iTunes / Apple Version
Part 2 iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Part 1
Part 2
Another musical show, fill with wonderful home made music and analysis interrupted by two guy rambling on.
A link to the Cajon demo from Tomas De Camino Beck can be found at HERE and his mathematical song with explanation HERE
The Morrisons - You're a Fraud MySpace
Albert Forssell, Bill Mecca, Pete Young - Journey Underseas Soundclick
Bjorn Nilsen with Les Cotton - August Child Soundclick
A link to the Cajon demo from Tomas De Camino Beck can be found at HERE and his mathematical song with explanation HERE
The Morrisons - You're a Fraud MySpace
Albert Forssell, Bill Mecca, Pete Young - Journey Underseas Soundclick
Bjorn Nilsen with Les Cotton - August Child Soundclick
Monday, April 21, 2008
HMHS TV 007 - Dave Criddle's bASS
This week, by request, Dave shows some bass playing techniques.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Friday, April 18, 2008
HMHS 113 - Beck (not the famous one but the Tomas De Camino one)

This week we have an interview show (done by Dave, his first appearance in an interview show) with Tomas De Camino Beck (aka Matbio on the forums). Tomas talks about his songs and his band Automata.
Find Automata at the following links
Automata World
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
HMHS TV 006 - Zoetrope Live
All 2090 forum members ( should enjoy this one, as should any who likes a good chuckle about home music making.
It's Zoetrope and his Roland EG-101.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Monday, April 14, 2008
HMHS TV 005 - Dave "Bowie" Criddle Live
Well this was meant to be a different video but I somehow am having problems with my uploading.
No problem though, here you can see the great Dave Criddle performing his David Bowie cover show from a couple of months back.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Friday, April 11, 2008
HMHS 112 - Glenn Wants To Know
More audio goodness and it's a long one. This week we address Glenn's "Beginner" questions. Play some songs and feature a guest segment from Inside Home Recording on time signatures
Check out the videos at Home Made Hit Show TV at Youtube
Definitely take a listen and subscribe to Inside Home Recording The best audio focused podcast out there. They feature lots of content on software, recording and audio techniques along with remix contests and much much more.
Shadows - Paul Janowski Soundclick
Apologies to Paul for pronouncing his name incorrectly
Sequal - Eric Merrow Soundclick
Her Love - Tony Copping
Monday, April 07, 2008
HMHS TV 004 - That Low - John Tully
If you want to stop my music playing click the Soundclick plugin to the left.
This week I am pleased to welcome John Tully aka The Cracks to the HMHS. John is the first person I was aware of making home made music videos and he continues to roll out high quality stuff (search out the one where he made himself fly for some real fun).
Find more John tunes HERE and HERE
Find more Cracked videos here at YouTube
There is a higher quality WMV version of the show HERE
Mac compatible M4V version HERE
YouTube HERE or below
All the Home Made Hit Show TV videos can be found on the Home Made Hit Show Channel
Friday, April 04, 2008
HMHS 111 - Win Something and Vegetables Talk
Welcome to a good solid audio show featuring great songs and songwriting talk. Plus hear the potatoes themselves talk.
Plenty of links for today.
A great read at the new songwriting blog Adventures In Songwriting
Read the interviews and other songwriting stuff at Songs and Sonics
Thanks for the longtime and ongoing support from The Indie Bible

Send an email with CONTEST in the title to win the EP and T-Shirt from The Simple Carnival
Slide Away - Les Cotton
Caitlin's On The Beach - The Simple Carnival
Genevive - The Tones SoundclickLabels: bible, carnival, hit, home, homemade, indie, made, show, simple, songwriter, songwriting, tones
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
This week we have an interview show (done by Dave, his first appearance in an interview show) with Tomas De Camino Beck (aka Matbio on the forums). Tomas talks about his songs and his band Automata.
Find Automata at the following links
Automata World
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
HMHS TV 006 - Zoetrope Live
All 2090 forum members ( should enjoy this one, as should any who likes a good chuckle about home music making.
It's Zoetrope and his Roland EG-101.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Monday, April 14, 2008
HMHS TV 005 - Dave "Bowie" Criddle Live
Well this was meant to be a different video but I somehow am having problems with my uploading.
No problem though, here you can see the great Dave Criddle performing his David Bowie cover show from a couple of months back.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Friday, April 11, 2008
HMHS 112 - Glenn Wants To Know
More audio goodness and it's a long one. This week we address Glenn's "Beginner" questions. Play some songs and feature a guest segment from Inside Home Recording on time signatures
Check out the videos at Home Made Hit Show TV at Youtube
Definitely take a listen and subscribe to Inside Home Recording The best audio focused podcast out there. They feature lots of content on software, recording and audio techniques along with remix contests and much much more.
Shadows - Paul Janowski Soundclick
Apologies to Paul for pronouncing his name incorrectly
Sequal - Eric Merrow Soundclick
Her Love - Tony Copping
Monday, April 07, 2008
HMHS TV 004 - That Low - John Tully
If you want to stop my music playing click the Soundclick plugin to the left.
This week I am pleased to welcome John Tully aka The Cracks to the HMHS. John is the first person I was aware of making home made music videos and he continues to roll out high quality stuff (search out the one where he made himself fly for some real fun).
Find more John tunes HERE and HERE
Find more Cracked videos here at YouTube
There is a higher quality WMV version of the show HERE
Mac compatible M4V version HERE
YouTube HERE or below
All the Home Made Hit Show TV videos can be found on the Home Made Hit Show Channel
Friday, April 04, 2008
HMHS 111 - Win Something and Vegetables Talk
Welcome to a good solid audio show featuring great songs and songwriting talk. Plus hear the potatoes themselves talk.
Plenty of links for today.
A great read at the new songwriting blog Adventures In Songwriting
Read the interviews and other songwriting stuff at Songs and Sonics
Thanks for the longtime and ongoing support from The Indie Bible

Send an email with CONTEST in the title to win the EP and T-Shirt from The Simple Carnival
Slide Away - Les Cotton
Caitlin's On The Beach - The Simple Carnival
Genevive - The Tones SoundclickLabels: bible, carnival, hit, home, homemade, indie, made, show, simple, songwriter, songwriting, tones
It's Zoetrope and his Roland EG-101.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Well this was meant to be a different video but I somehow am having problems with my uploading.
No problem though, here you can see the great Dave Criddle performing his David Bowie cover show from a couple of months back.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
No problem though, here you can see the great Dave Criddle performing his David Bowie cover show from a couple of months back.
Watch with the following options
YouTube Channel
Windows Media Version
iTunes / Apple Version
Or trusty embedded video
Friday, April 11, 2008
HMHS 112 - Glenn Wants To Know
More audio goodness and it's a long one. This week we address Glenn's "Beginner" questions. Play some songs and feature a guest segment from Inside Home Recording on time signatures
Check out the videos at Home Made Hit Show TV at Youtube
Definitely take a listen and subscribe to Inside Home Recording The best audio focused podcast out there. They feature lots of content on software, recording and audio techniques along with remix contests and much much more.
Shadows - Paul Janowski Soundclick
Apologies to Paul for pronouncing his name incorrectly
Sequal - Eric Merrow Soundclick
Her Love - Tony Copping
Monday, April 07, 2008
HMHS TV 004 - That Low - John Tully
If you want to stop my music playing click the Soundclick plugin to the left.
This week I am pleased to welcome John Tully aka The Cracks to the HMHS. John is the first person I was aware of making home made music videos and he continues to roll out high quality stuff (search out the one where he made himself fly for some real fun).
Find more John tunes HERE and HERE
Find more Cracked videos here at YouTube
There is a higher quality WMV version of the show HERE
Mac compatible M4V version HERE
YouTube HERE or below
All the Home Made Hit Show TV videos can be found on the Home Made Hit Show Channel
Friday, April 04, 2008
HMHS 111 - Win Something and Vegetables Talk
Welcome to a good solid audio show featuring great songs and songwriting talk. Plus hear the potatoes themselves talk.
Plenty of links for today.
A great read at the new songwriting blog Adventures In Songwriting
Read the interviews and other songwriting stuff at Songs and Sonics
Thanks for the longtime and ongoing support from The Indie Bible

Send an email with CONTEST in the title to win the EP and T-Shirt from The Simple Carnival
Slide Away - Les Cotton
Caitlin's On The Beach - The Simple Carnival
Genevive - The Tones SoundclickLabels: bible, carnival, hit, home, homemade, indie, made, show, simple, songwriter, songwriting, tones
Check out the videos at Home Made Hit Show TV at Youtube
Definitely take a listen and subscribe to Inside Home Recording The best audio focused podcast out there. They feature lots of content on software, recording and audio techniques along with remix contests and much much more.
Shadows - Paul Janowski Soundclick
Apologies to Paul for pronouncing his name incorrectly
Sequal - Eric Merrow Soundclick
Her Love - Tony Copping
If you want to stop my music playing click the Soundclick plugin to the left.
This week I am pleased to welcome John Tully aka The Cracks to the HMHS. John is the first person I was aware of making home made music videos and he continues to roll out high quality stuff (search out the one where he made himself fly for some real fun).
Find more John tunes HERE and HERE
Find more Cracked videos here at YouTube
There is a higher quality WMV version of the show HERE
Mac compatible M4V version HERE
YouTube HERE or below
All the Home Made Hit Show TV videos can be found on the Home Made Hit Show Channel
This week I am pleased to welcome John Tully aka The Cracks to the HMHS. John is the first person I was aware of making home made music videos and he continues to roll out high quality stuff (search out the one where he made himself fly for some real fun).
Find more John tunes HERE and HERE
Find more Cracked videos here at YouTube
There is a higher quality WMV version of the show HERE
Mac compatible M4V version HERE
YouTube HERE or below
All the Home Made Hit Show TV videos can be found on the Home Made Hit Show Channel
Friday, April 04, 2008
HMHS 111 - Win Something and Vegetables Talk
Welcome to a good solid audio show featuring great songs and songwriting talk. Plus hear the potatoes themselves talk.
Plenty of links for today.
A great read at the new songwriting blog Adventures In Songwriting
Read the interviews and other songwriting stuff at Songs and Sonics
Thanks for the longtime and ongoing support from The Indie Bible

Send an email with CONTEST in the title to win the EP and T-Shirt from The Simple Carnival
Slide Away - Les Cotton
Caitlin's On The Beach - The Simple Carnival
Genevive - The Tones SoundclickLabels: bible, carnival, hit, home, homemade, indie, made, show, simple, songwriter, songwriting, tones
Plenty of links for today.
A great read at the new songwriting blog Adventures In Songwriting
Read the interviews and other songwriting stuff at Songs and Sonics
Thanks for the longtime and ongoing support from The Indie Bible
Send an email with CONTEST in the title to win the EP and T-Shirt from The Simple Carnival
Slide Away - Les Cotton
Caitlin's On The Beach - The Simple Carnival
Genevive - The Tones Soundclick
Labels: bible, carnival, hit, home, homemade, indie, made, show, simple, songwriter, songwriting, tones